
Die Mitte ~ Wien

“Miriam Mirri partecipa a Design 07, tema Die Mitte. Due giornate di dialogo svoltesi l’8 e il 9 Ottobre presso l’Università di Arti Applicate di Vienna sui temi del design nell’epoca della globalizzazione e della sua eterogenea collocazione fra musei e grande distribuzione.

Miriam Mirri takes part at Design 07 with the topic Die Mitte. Two days at the University of Applied Arts in Wien about the relationship between design and museums as well as retailing and its role within the globalisation time.”

Dialogues about Design
8./9. Oktober 2007

Conference location:
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Entrance Stubenring 3, 1010 Vienna

Surfing to success (engl.)
Design becomes a comic. How amusing can objects be and still be taken seriously in the world of design?

The Medium is the Message (engl.)
Jokes, satire, irony and their deeper meaning in design.

curators DESIGN 07

Rector of the
University Dr. Gerald Bast

Tulga Beyerle, Thomas Geisler, Lilli Hollein


  1. Contents
    Design, which is so closely connected with the development of our society, is manifested in formal, aesthetic and everyday ways. As it is a mirror of our society the confrontation with design involves cultural, social, economic and aesthetic aspects. The conference DESIGN07 (designzeroseven) organised by Vienna University of Applied Arts and curated by the Neigungsgruppe Design plans to establish a critical design discourse on current themes from the area of design theory and practice.
  2. Participants in the dialogues
    Different experts will discuss the phenomenon The Middle in relation to design, in concrete terms with regard to product, industrial and furniture design. The dialogue partners are designers, producers, entrepreneurs, representatives of design institutions, curators, media and marketing specialists, theorists and educationalists.

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