Trip to Stoccolma

Henkel premia il team di progetto per l’igienizzante Freshsurfer Alessi-Henkel con un breve soggiorno a Stoccolma. Visite ai musei più importanti, concerto e festa della città all’Operan, escursione in barca a vela nell’arcipelago, sport acquatici, aperitivo all’Ice Bar, “Tales of the frozen city”, gastronomia ed esplorazione del centro storico a piedi e in bicicletta.

Henkel rewards the project team for the sanitizer Freshsurfer Alessi-Henkel with a short trip in Stockholm. Visits to the most important museums, concert and city party at the Operan, sailing excursion in the archipelago, aquatic activities, aperitif at the Ice Bar, Tales of the frozen city, gastronomy and exploration of the historic centre on foot and by bicycle.

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