
  • Bon Ton®

    Bon Ton®

    portasacchetti igienici per animali • dispenser of waste bags for pets Bon Ton® 2th Life designer Ilaria Gibertini e Miriam Mirri produce by UNITED PETS Milano, Italy

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  • Nuovo Bon Ton® per United Pets

    Nuovo Bon Ton® per United Pets

    For the anniversary of the birth of UnitedPets srl, manufacturer of the BON TON® bags dispenser since 2002, we gave a second life to this much discussed and used product. design Ilaria Gibertini and Miriam Mirri with UnitedPets 2019 It is the hygienic kit to hang like a pendant on a dog’s leash for going…

  • Bon Ton® per United Pets

    Bon Ton® per United Pets

    Come affrontare il problema dell’igiene del suolo pubblico nelle città da parte dei proprietari di cani con un oggetto di design, Bon Ton.

  • Bon Ton

    Bon Ton

    portasacchetti igienici per animali • dispenser of waste bags for pet produced by UNITED PETS, Milano


edit ©miriammirri.it 2023